Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I love about HLBB is that we get to discuss and discover the stuff that is usually said behind closed doors, over drinks or at a girls night out...

Guys, my girl darlingnicky999 has started a weekly poll (so if you're not following her, you should) where she posts 10 questions starting at noon EST and posts the results between 8 and 9 pm EST.

Mark your calendars: every WEDNESDAY, she asks the guys 10 questions about women and every THURSDAY she asks women for their honest opinions about men/relatioships/sex.

This week's questions and answers (Women about Men) are...drum roll please...!

Who would you go to first with big juicy news? Your Best Friend or your Boyfriend?
95% of you would tell your BEST FRIEND juicy news before telling your boyfriend/husband. (BFF could be male, that's alright).

What are you more self conscious about? Acne or Stretch Marks?
90% of you women are more self-conscious about acne than stretch marks.

Do you lie about your sexual past? Partners, etc? If so, how much?
Regarding lying abt yr sexual was all ovr the place. sum used 2 & dont anymore. sum still do. sum nevr did.

Underwear – boxers, briefs or boxer/briefs?
Regarding Men's undergarments------Boxer-briefs got just under 2/3 of the vote. Followed by boxers. Lastly briefs.

Do you watch porn?
With regards to whether the LADIES watch porn.....kudos to those who told the truth…about 1/2 of you said YES straight up. Some of you said YES, but don't enjoy it, and a few said no, not at all.

Perfect first date? Expensive dinner? Dinner and a movie? Coffee and dessert? (he’s paying)
65% of you said that a movie/dinner is the ideal date, and most of you would offer to pay for part. Coffee shop took the rest.Nobody cared for the expensive fine dining. (Good news for your wallets fellas).

Wise words from Nicky - My take. The greatest loves of my life have been founded on rich minds, rich chemistry, and rich in humour. I'm a coffee shop girl.

Would you give ORAL if you knew it wasn’t going to be given?
With regards to giving ORAL, with no receiving of it...90% of ladies said they WOULD ABSOLUTELY still give!!!!!!! Bear in mind that several ladies said that this couldn't be a permanent situation, but they wouldn't withhold. (very evolved,impressed)

Would you date a guy who couldn’t dance…like NO rhythm?
50% of you said you WOULD date a guy with no dance skills. 50% of you said HELL no. (wow......presshah)

Wise words from You don't need to be a Jabbawockee, but you need to bring something to the dance floor. Especially if we takin' a wine.

Would you date a guy who had bad credit or had declared bankruptcy?
Regarding guys with bad credit. a few NO's. Most said that the credit issues need to be addressed before marriage. some said NP.

Would you marry a guy that your parents HATED?
75% of you WOULD marry a guy your parents hated. The rest obviously chose to side with the parentals.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Partner, lemme upgrade you.

I'm not just talking what you consume, but how much you consume. I'm not saying you have to order Courvoisier because you heard it in a song a few years back. So I want you to ask yourself: what's your drink? Some women judge a man by how and what they drink. I used to think I was the only one, but I found a few more out there so I thought I'd let you in on the secret. You're out one night and see the one you want at the bar and decide to place an order. You may even offer her one and she might even accept.What you order for yourself can say a lot about you.
Question: have you been drinking Heineken all night? Great. Then don't do what this guy did:

She likes vodka...he asks what she's drinking and she says "vodka tonic", he then orders two vodka tonics and says "don't use Smirnoff". He looks at her and says "Smirnoff is shit, I normally drink Belvedere"
Her: but you were just drinking Heineken? Him: ah, I just felt like having a beer, but normally I drink vodka.

Okay idiot boy, you're now mixing your drinks (hello hangover!) which just screams “amateur”, she knows you're talking out your ass about vodka and that the only reason you're name checking Belvedere is because Hov did it first. And in this case, the girl was drinking Smirnoff, so you've just insulted her. Thumbs up!

Rule #1 - stay true to yourself...if you're a beer drinking dude, then stick with the beer. She’ll admire that more than your newfound “sophisticated” tastes.

Speaking of insulting... this one happened to me a while back…

Him: what you drinking there? Me: Manhattan (vermouth, bourbon, bitters and a cherry) Him: is that like that the Sex and the City drink? Doesn't look very girly, youknowwhatimsayin'?. Me: it's not, it's a little stronger… Him: so you're drinking a guy's drink then? Me: yes, because I'm a pre-op transsexual

Rule #2 -
alcohol really has no gender... okay, I know it's looks a little less masculine for a guy to be drinking a sex on the beach if he's not near one. So if she’s shooting whisky? Great and if your drink is purple? Fine… enjoy. Just be able to order in confidence.

But this one has got to be my favourite, I’ve experienced it and watched it happen…

Him: "let's do shot/buy a bottle of____" Her: "okay, but I don't drink ___________" He then orders shots or a bottle of the unwanted alcohol because “she'll like it”. Why? Because he likes it, and she’s just never had it “this way”


Rule #3 - if she doesn't want to drink it, don't impose! Tsk tsk tsk.

But probably the worst complaint of all - and this is for the guys who have girlfriends. If you are stumbling around drunk and she has to take care of you. She'll remember.

She'll remember every time she had to hold you back from getting into a fight, or hold your head...

She’ll remember the drunk booty call at 2 a.m or the I just called/texted to say "I love you" at 4 a.m. (no, they’re not cute)

She’ll remember getting you food so you won't be hung over or, nurse you the next day through said hangover.

She'll do it because she cares about you. But do it often enough and you'll be shit out of luck, back at that bar, trying to impress some girl with your knowledge of vodka.

Question of the Day from MSN

A recent poll suggests 48% of men would break up with their partner if she got fat. Would you dump your significant other for gaining weight?

Yes, No, How Fat?

answer in the comments section below or on twitter

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dang...this boy can sing.
For those who are vocally challenged...just play the song.

follow him on twitter or check out his other videos

What's your take on interracial dating...?

Yea? Nay?

Why do women trash talk each other?

What are your thoughts?

Post below or comment on twitter

Thursday, July 16, 2009

From @digsin37

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never. - Charles Caleb Colton

Monday, July 13, 2009

For those guys who are trying to bag a cougar…a bit of advice.

Today’s tale is about Charlie Brown. That’s his alias, because well, he kinda looks like him. I met Charlie Brown through a group of friends; he works within the organization that they work in and since one of my friends is his boss, it was inevitable that we would meet. At parties, we’d all chill, talk about all sorts of stuff and hang out. One day last year, Charlie Brown asks for my number because he wants to pick my brain about something. He never calls. Me? Not bothered in the least because I didn’t feel like he was trying to hit on me…but then again, I couldn’t tell. Charlie Brown wasn’t born in North America, English is not his first language and sometimes, I find it hard to understand him.

A year goes by...The friends throw another party, Charlie stops by and I find out that he’s recently been to Jamaica for a vacation, courtesy of my friend’s dad, who hosted him while he was there. My friend’s dad jokes that on his next visit Charlie should bring me.

Me: Pops… when you’re a young single man, you don’t bring sand to the beach.

Pops: Oh, I think Charlie would like it.

Charlie: *shrugs*

Me: C’mon! Guys Charlie’s age - (to Charlie) how old are you anyways?

Charlie: 24

Pops: not yet, he’s 23

Good grief!

Now, I had gathered that he was younger than me, but a whole bloody decade?! AND, in that circle of friends, he’s at least decade younger than everyone. Well, since that party 2 weeks ago Charlie’s been using the number he didn’t use last year, and showing up places that I’m at. In fact, tonight, I was headed to a friend’s place on the other side of the city and he was just rollerblading by!

Yes, now he’s everywhere I don’t want him to be. FML.

Charlie once told me that he has heard women in their 30s complain that the men in their 30s (and beyond) are too busy working to focus on their relationships, their families or even “casual interferences” (which I thought was a cute euphemism at the time). There could be an argument for that, but that’s not why I’m writing. I’m in my 30s… I’m not a Cougar. There is a reason Cougars (those 40 and up) date 20 year olds and 30 year olds don’t.

My girls who are in their 30s and still single are busy. They’re gone from working at their job towards building their career. They’re buying homes. They’re thinking about children and NO, not because biological clocks are ticking or anything…but there are things you want to have done by a certain time in your life, so that later on, you can slow it down a bit. Yes, we want to have “casual interferences”, and sometimes we slug it out with the men our age (or older) in hopes of taking the “casual” to a “relationship”. But this is why the Cougar comes into existence. She was so busy experiencing, building and (sometimes) restarting her life, that one day she sat down and figured out the Cougar formula:

The Cougar Formula


+ Lessons learned in my 20s

+ Status and security gained in my 30s

- Kids who are (almost ready to leave home)

- Husband/significant other

+ A body at its peak (in all ways)

+ Time to think about ME again


Look at everyone’s favourite Cougar: Demi. She was married, had her 3 babies divorced, reached top levels of her career and could slow it down a bit by the time she hit her 40s. Or, how about Kim Cattrall? Both on screen and in real life, she headed out to frosh week to get her latest man. Had they met these guys when they were in their 30s, those boys wouldn’t have stood a chance. Never mind the fact that these guys were still in HIGH SCHOOL back then, no guy in his 20s would’ve stood a chance with them, okay?

Before you point it out…

I KNOW that a lot of it does have to do with maturity levels and stage of life, but:

  • When your pants are hanging so low that I feel compelled to tell you to pull them up…
  • When “old skool” means the “New Jack Swing” or “Grunge”…
  • When you’ve only seen the Cosby show in reruns…
  • If you think a skateboard is an acceptable way to commute to work…
  • When you don’t have OACs, because you no longer had to take them…
  • When you think it’s cool that I have a “real job” with lots of responsibilities…
  • When you don’t know that “AC Slater” is the guy hosting America’s Next Dance Crew…
  • When going out at night involves pictures going up on Facebook the next day…
  • When you wonder why I’m going to “another” friend’s wedding or baby shower…
  • When I can remember what I was doing the year you were born

Then sweetie, you’re too young for me.

I will figure out a way to let Charlie Brown know (nicely) that he’s too young for me. Right now, he’s being persistent…if he’s gets pushy, I’m gonna have to push back. I’m rejecting him not simply because of chronology, but because we are at different stages of our lives…he’s experiencing and I’m building. I don’t feel like being his experience, I don’t feel like teaching a young pup new tricks, and I don’t feel like babysitting.

At the end of the day...I want to play with someone (closer to) my own age...

If anyone knows how I can let Charlie Brown down, nicely please go to the site, leave a comment here, or hit me up on twitter - suggestions are very welcome right now! All I've been doing is avoiding the calls and if he does catch me, I've been playing the "busy card". For instance, he wanted to go for a drink tonight, I said I was busy (always true), and then he saw me heading to my friend's place... I did not elaborate on the purpose of my visit (which was to eat food and watch UFC fights while planning another HLBB shoot)... I think he drew his own conclusion...

I'll keep you posted...

UPDATE #1 - July 15/09 - my point proven - Kim Cattrall just split up with her younger man
Cream World Mag's Blog

The "friend" quoted says - "They realized that they were at different points in their lives. They still care about each other and will remain friends."

Mmm hmm...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Okay, so some dude has created an app that can help a guy "manage" his girlfriends (imaginary I suspect)

The Amazing Girlfriend Manager

At first, I thought this was a joke, but I found out that you can buy this lovely little app in the iTunes store for only $0.99.

I chuckled a bit and then I decided to "create" my own in response to this...because really? Guys can't keep it together? Maybe, oh I dunno, sticking to one? Okay, for the playas out there, I'm asking too much.

So for my ladies...tell me what you think...or if you're a developer and want to partner up on this, lemme know!


p.s. i'm not a designer, so forgive my rudimentary photoshop skills.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles. The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife. She directs him down the correct aisle.

A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife?

He answers, 'You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper.

So, I figure if I have to roll my own .......... so does she.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm excited!
I've got footage...time to hit the lab.

That's you were.


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