Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Social Media Etiquette

I guess that today is national "Try to Chop a Chick on Twitter Day"... 2 of my girls and myself (!) were...approached....wait, uhm...
had advances, that doesn't sound right...

addressed by?

See, I don't even know how to refer to it! Any how, let me refer to it the way my instinct tells me to: some damn fool thought he could get in.

I will use my example:

My girl, the Quiz Queen @darlingnicky999,is a loyal BlackBerry user. I love my iPhone. Earlier today she said: I'm a true BB'er for life. Getting an iPhone would be like becoming a lesbian.
I wrote back (to her) "hey! I'm straight!" Those who know me or follow me and my loyal "there's an app for that comments" would get the joke.

But no, out of nowhere comes "@idiotboy" (not his real ID) with this:

@herlilblackbook aha .... So what's ur bb pin then ??

1 - he doesn't know me to get the joke... I understand.

2 - I also understand that Twitter is a conversation, so that anything I say can be commented on by others...totally cool.
3 - and if he was say, a follower of @darlingnicky999 (and really, everyone should be) and was cracking a joke...fine

BUT 1 - @idiotboy just joined today
2 - see photo... these are the ONLY tweets he's posted today

3 - he's not following @darlingnicky999

So, it irked me. And when I'm irked I get really snarky. Using my favourite movie...I responded:

@idiotboy Hi!! Since ur new to twitter, this should help: The first rule of Tweet Club is, you do not hit on women on twitter...

@idiotboy the second rule of tweet club, is you DO NOT HIT ON WOMEN ON TWITTER

@idiotboy #3 if someone says stop....stop.

@idiotboy#4 visit the blog... :)

I'm sure this will earn an "unfollow", but oh well.
Which got me thinking about bad social media etiquette...and then, BOOM! Two more women made the same complaint.

Guys: who the fuck told you this was okay? It's NOT!!

Recently I've had MySpace friend requests from randoms, Facebook adds... the kind where the guy adds you, you see that you have people in common abut you've never met them, blah blah blah. And I know that asking for a pin is just like getting a phone number but... There is a time and URL for everything. The next video we shoot will ask for some do's and don'ts - stay this week. If you have some comments of your them here or on twitter with the hash tag #twitterdo or #twitter don't.


  1. Flo King said...
    Wow girl, that's friggin' hilarious. Good job on NOT calling out the offender AHAHAH!
    max said...
    this is just wrong on so many levels. just, so so wrong.
    HLBB said...
    @toflo - *mock innocence* Oh? Did I call him out? Oh, yeah... I DID!

    johnny From LiveAGL said...
    WTF? How did I miss this on twitter...seems like some guys need to go back to the drawing board on how and when to properly pick up females....smh
    HLBB said...
    UPDATE - dude's twitter page is gone... I get the "that page does not exist" birdie now...

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