Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh, this is a doozy. If I wasn't there, I would've thought this was made up...out again last night with two of my girls and if you've been following, then you know that this can only go one way.

Picture this: we were at a club called Tokia for a party called Electric Youth. Toika is a small venue; you can easily scan 95% of the room from one spot. Great for intimate parties, a good time, specialty events, but NOT for what the Pussy Predator did:

The Pussy Predator started on his game as soon as he walked in the door, spotting me and my girls at the entrance, he started to throw out compliments and lines as he walked past. I don't know what he said to me, because he actually said it to my breasts. A few minutes later, we were all on the dance floor and right away he went in on my girl. Now, she's nice. Friendly. I'm not. So, for her, if someone says hi, compliments her dancing and dances with her, her attitude is "hey it's a party, we're here to have fun, why do I need to be a bitch?". Me? I don't have an off switch for the bitch.

Remember the sign at the zoo that says "don't feed the animals"? This is what I consider to be feeding the animal. With the Pussy Predator, the slightest smile or gesture is automatically interpreted as a green light. Guys, it is the Pussy Predators of the world that ruin it for you when you try to genuinely approach a girl.

He chatted up my girl...bought her a shot...essentially lined up his prey. BUT why he's just a Predator and not a Player is that he spent no time reading the room, or any signals from my girl. Had he stopped to pay attention, he wouldn't have bothered. He ignored the Mother Hen (me), Miss Disinterested (my other girl) and thought that after 30 seconds of convo, that he had built up a rapport with my girl. Way to go Pedro... You have no game and I now know you suck at foreplay...

When he finally realized that he didn't have a chance...he moved on. To a girl a few feet away. Uhm...dude? Mr. Pussy Predator? WE CAN STILL SEE YOU!!

When that failed, he moved on to another girl: me.

Let me repeat that.

When that failed, he moved on to another girl: me. FAIL FAIL FAIL. Never approach the Mother Hen! Now, you may be thinking that he was trying to butter me up (as he should've been doing) but no, full on with the lines and comments about how I look. I'm guessing he recognized my boobs from 1o minutes ago...

Off he went to the girl across the room, remember: the room is only about 50 steps wide. So I saw that attempt

Then back to the girl at the bar...back to my girl....back to me...over to another girl who was friends with the girl across the room...and on and on. Then, after the photographer took his photo, he tried to dance and chat her up too.

Sigh. But always back to square one. My girl goes outside for a smoke, he's there. She comes inside, he's there. After attempting, and failing to dancing with her, a couple of times, he saw me...yay.

I wear glasses so when I'm dancing, I periodically take them off. So when he saw me, he saw I had no glasses on this time. He asked what happened to them and I held them up, confused. Frankly, I was surprised that he noticed my glasses (I didn't think he was looking that high) He leaned in and said:

"They look good. They're sexy. (dramatic pause, smile) Put 'em on."

Okay, so I'm supposed to oblige to what was a creepy request because...? Your lip is curled in an attempt to look sexy, you made a declaration instead of a request in an effort to sound authorative, and about a minute ago you were trying to whisper in my girl's ear and about 3 minutes before that, you had a girl pressed up against the wall?

Remember, it's a small club... WE CAN ALL SEE YOU!!

It's the law of averages, I understand. The more you hit on, the better your chances. I get it. BUT this only works in a large spaced out venue. When every girl you hit on can see you hit on other fail. I mean literally every single girl. Probabaly didn't get the names of any of them. He left with his friends and I didn't see him say goodnight to any of his prey...I witnessed him dance, chat up, etc with about 8-10 girls, but leave with his boys.

Guys, if your prey is only the Just pick a bigger pool to choose from.

About Pussy Predators in general: they are ruining it for everyone else. Girls get the Pussy Predator so many times that when a guy who is really looking to meet her, he get shot down because all she can hear is "I want the pussy!" As my boy D put it when I told him the story, he could ask a girl if she knows where the bathroom is and her response has been "I got a man." He asked where the bathroom was, she heard "I want the pussy!" You know what Pussy Predators get? They get 3 a.m. Girls.

If you are acting like a Predator, read this again and see where you've failed. If you know a Predator, send him the link. He's ruining your game.


  1. Darling Nicky said...
    Honourable Mention:
    "My BBQ is lit, but there's no meat on the grill. What's up with that."

    HLBB said...
    I was trying to remember the exact wording!

    Thank you!

    Yes, dear readers, this is a line the Pussy Predator used last night...

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